— Ww sehr DMM/mm ‘ir 4/24 | ; Seas #utd. Werkrabipyid, on Oe) of the, f Se 4/ Ohfond. Crvglated e- of? g 2 (c q 4g cthidd PH 4/19 COLLEGE O¢ Baylor College of Medicine DEPARTMENT OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY * 713 521-3233 1 2 oe asad BAYLOp F § f "S ERVICE « INIDIO A? ort Py reths MAR 15 1979. Naren Gs 1978 Fog OF THE > Dr. Joshua Lederberg President, Rockefeller University New York, N.Y. Dear Joshua: Just a quick note to say I finally got in touch with Mr Hagerty about the possibility of your doing a Texas Sweep sometime dur- ing the year. We left it that he would try to pick out some dates on which we all might agree. Tentatively he suggested as a first possibility sometime during the last two weeks in September. At the moment those are good times for both of us, so if you too can harmonize ,September should be ideal. I think we can arrange for you to get adequate media coverage while you are here, Despite its fifth place population status, Houston still has elements of being a small town. Seers from the civilized world are received with a certain amount of awe and publicity. As a focus point in Houston I would like to propose that we give you a $1,000 recognition award from the Center of Interaction at a lecture at the medical school. The two previous recipients have been Lord Florey and George Klein. In addition I am certain that we can arrange an appropriate dinner or meeting with various key elements of the Houston es- tablishment who might listen with interest to your views about the Rockefeller University. Indeed if,the arrangements pro- gress, I have several ideas I would like to submit for your consideration which might be helpful to your fund raising. Side exposures via Rice University and/or NASA or the Univer- sity of Houston can be easily arranged. In the meantime, would you mind sending me a copy of your annual report or a catalogue. These might be helpful in our planning. I am sorry to hear that you sustained an unfortunate ortho- pedic injury. I trust that healing process commenced and re- covery is an accomplished fact. Let me know when your have set your plans. 4 WitmMwarm.regards, cur - David M. Mumford, M.D. he AER en Platt TEXAS MEDICAL CENTER * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77030 yy