January 9, 1974 Dr. David Mumford Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology Baylor College of Medicine Texas Medical Center Houston, Texas 77025 Dear Dave, I just wanted to pass on to you the rather good news that our research program in molecular genetics has received another gift from a private donor to the extent of $50,000 which solves our immediate crisis problem. In addition, it looks as if the unfreezing of funds at the NIH will allow the resumption of grants funding so that for another year at least we may expect to be back on course. Tl teannot tell you how useful your foundation's initial gift of $10,000 was in sustaining my confidence that we would be able to ride out the storm. It was, as you may imagine, a very discouraging period, and in part, paradoxically, because I was having little difficulty in finding funds for other kinds of programs and the temptation was therefore the greater to throw up my hands in exasperation about continuing my work in the molecular genetics laboratory area. However, that is now past us for the time being. This experience has, of course, been a very telling one in showing how vulnerable so many of us are in the pursuit of our careers when we become so totally dependent on federal funding. I certainly do not have to educate you along these lines! Although we have then weathered this particular storm and need no longer approach the problem in a crisis atmosphere, I would therefore be very appreciative of your helping me to pursue other initiatives that over a longer period of time may help provide some additional security for the continuity of our work, enable us to pursue some directions that do not appropriataly fit into federal funding, and may help to fill out some other elements of our overall progran. For just the latter segment I have particularly in mind our growing rapprochement with some problems on the clinical side that is embodied in our biochemical screening laboratory. We do expéct very substantial support fairly soon from the NIGMS for this activity, and I will be in touch with you in a little while to give you some more details about how we are going. Dr. David Mumford -2- 1/9/74 a, Lia Meret ime though I had the obligation and the pleasure to bring you up-to-date on where we stand right now and, once again, my deep thanks. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL/rr