JAN 2 > 1972 BAYLor COLLEGE OF MEDICINE TEXAS MEDICAL CENTER Houston, TEXAS 77025 DEPARTMENT OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY (713) 529-4951 January 19, 1972 Dr, Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical School Palo Alto, California Dear Joshua: I am sorry that I've not written sooner. I've been inundated by the usual year end and beginning academic dealines, family health problems and unfortunately the death of a medical student for whom I was somewhat of a mentor, I did want to thank you and Marguerite for driving to San Francisco for the dinner in December. I had hoped to be in San Francisco again around the 24th of this month for a followup, but it is obvious I'll miss that deadline. Mr, Palmer Fuller in particular seemed interested in what we were trying to achieve. Since he should have some extra time from his board activities now, he may be a good person to get involved. Dan tells me that he will be seeing you this week when he comes out to California. If I have any late messages, I'll send them along with him as we usually chat by phone. Please give my best to your wife. She certainly was a charming person, Unfortunately I don't speak French, but after meeting her all I can Say is that I wish I did! I'll keep you in touch with matters as they develop here and hopefully there. With wagm regards, David M. Mumford, M. D. SS DMM: mlp eo