BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Texas MEDICAL CENTER yA y q 0 HOvusTON, Texas 77025 f DEPARTMENT OF ORSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY (713) 520-4951 July 9, 1970 Joshua Lederberg, M. D. Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical School Palo Alto, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: Just a note of thanks for your time and interest during my recent trip to Stanford. I will keep you abreast of our progress. Needless to say, if you have any suggestions, criticisms or comments at any stage I would be delighted to receive them. As mentioned, it may be a month or two before we pass the tax accreditation hurdle, I do not want to appear presumptuous, but would it be possible to obtain a copy of your C.V.? As mentioned, I plan to make an effort to persuade the local newspaper (which is now paying for the rights to your column anyway) to utilize it on a weekly or frequent basis. I would like to have as much "propaganda" at my mental fingertips as possible. Not that I feel you need it, but the "laity'"' are often moved by different currents, One additional question - are your speaking plans full for the.fall? If not, would it be possible for you to give (with appropriate honorarium of course) a talk(s) in Houston? There are a variety of forums (medical and nonmedical) that we might consider if you were agreeable. I would like to give you some "Texas exposure!" Thanks for the clipping on Marjorie Shaw. I will endeavor to contact her soon. Sometimes one learns more about people in one's own locality from afar than when in contact -- such would seem to be the case regarding Margie's diversity of interests! Best wishes for a pleasant and ''cooler'' summer! With warm regards, LSawd David M. Mumford, M. D. DMM:mlp aya sma