DANIEL P. MOYNIHAN NEW YORK Wnited Dlafes Henate WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 October 31, 1980 Pee pashan Dear Friend: I was one of those asked to lecture on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Columbia Graduate School. I chose as my subject the somewhat lugubrious subject "The = University and the State". The "turnout" in Low Library that evening suggested that word of this had got around. And so I inflict on those who have no choice but to open their mail! As you will see, I am quite disturbed. Since September 30 A. Bartlett Giamatti has spoken in even stronger terms. (I refer to them in a footnote added since.) But what will be done? There is a touch of professional hubris in my observations. I do honestly think that had university leaders paid a little more attention to the political scientist writing on this subject in the late 1960's and early 1970's we would not be so badly off. Sincerely, A-OK, Daniel Patrick Moynih ynihan | MH