Friday November 10, 1978 Memo to File Minsky would like support for the part of his sabbatical not covered by MIT for next year. I told him we didn't have a ready made salary but could cer- tainly provide him with the office. He is thinking about renegotiating a part year kind of visit. We probably would still have to organize something in terms of his double living expense to keep him fi- nancially whole. I promised to get back to him in a couple of weeks. Meantime, I should talk this over with George Miller and see if there are any loose funds in that project or it could be gotten from Sloan that might be helpful here. He told me he doesn't really see very much of Miller even when George is up at Cambridge since that interaction is mostly with the linguists. Marvin doesn't think too much will come out of the philosophy/A.I. project having spent a month or so trying to do it all by himself and reaching those conclusions. Marvin himself had a partial cuff tear which he said took him two years to heal more or less reasonably. (taf racsrnctdgf Adoni