ABE THE MEDICAL FOUNDATION, INC. 29 COMMONWEALTH AVE. = BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02116 «+ TELEPHONE (617) 262-1530 MERLE W. MUDD, Pu.D. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OFFICERS ALBERT H. CURTIS, II PRESIDENT BERNICE J. MILLER, Eo.D. VICE PRESIDENT MICHAEL STEINBERG, Esa. SECRETARY RICHARD D. LEGGAT, Eso. TREASURER BOARD OF DIRECTORS THE OFFICERS AND K. FRANK AUSTEN, M.0. JOHN J. BYRNE, M.0. GEORGE F. CAHILL, JR., M.D. DAVID ©, CROCKETT RICHARD F. DELIMA JANE F. DESFOAGES, M.D. CHARLES DEVENS JOSEPH L. DORSEY, M.D., M.P.H. JOSEPH C. FAHERTY JEROME GROSS, M.D. HUBERT E. JONES, M.S.W. HERBERT J. LEVINE, M.O. SOL LEVINE, Px.D. DAVID C, LEWIS, M.D. AUSTEN H. MADESON ROBERT MORGAN, M.P.H. VALENTINE P. MURPHY DAVID G. NATHAN, M.D. WILLIAM J. PRUYN ROBERT SALTONSTALL ROBERT J. SPILLEA MRS. BETTY L. WORNUM HONORARY DIRECTORS CHARLES S. DAVIDSON, M.D. JAMES M. FAULKNER, M.D. ALFRED L, FRECHETTE, M.D. THOMAS J. GALLIGAN, JR. WILLIAM V. MCDERMOTT, JR., M.D. ALAN R. MORSE, SR. RICHARD P. STETSON, M.D. GEORGE F. WILKINS, M.D. April 19, 1978 Joshua Lederberg, Ph.D. Chairman, Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Palo Alto, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: According to the February newsletter from Rockefeller University, you have authored a series of columns aimed at lay audiences, on the social impact of scientific programs. How may I obtain copies of these writings? At The Medical Foundation we are trying to build local awareness and understanding of the relationship of research to health and medicine. Unfortunately very few scientists have either the time or the inclination to write about these matters for audiences of non-scientists. This is why we are particularly interested in seeing what you have written. Please advise me how we can obtain copies of these articles. If you have any available, please send them to me along with an invoice for any charges. I am enclosing our most recent annual report for .our information. Thank you. Cordially, Michael Valentine MV/pp Enclosure