CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON 1530 P STREET, NORTHWEST WASHINGTON, D. C. 20005-1910 OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT December 19, 1988 TO: Genetics Society of America members Dear Colleague: The Carnegie Institution of Washington is creating an endowed fellowship fund in honor of one of its most distin- guished scientists, Barbara McClintock We ask that you join with your fellow scientists in expressing appreciation of Dr. McClintock's historic contributions to modern genetics by contributing to this fund. You undoubtedly know well the story of Barbara McClintock's contributions to science ~- working with maize, largely alone and without the benefit of molecular techniques -- she made what has been called one of the most significant discoveries of modern biology, transposable genetic elements. Subsequent work has shown that transposable elements occur in all living things, with the same profound effects on inheritance and evolution that Dr. McClintock first recognized in corn plants. In acknowledg- ment of her pioneering work, in 1983, she was awarded the Nobel Prize. You may be less familiar with Barbara McClintock's association with the Carnegie Institution. In 1942, Vannevar Bush, then president of the Carnegie Institution, appointed her to be a staff scientist at Carnegie's laboratory at Cold Spring Harbor. Dr. McClintock now holds special status within our , Institution as a Distinguished Service Member. Barbara McClintock symbolizes a fundamental purpose of our institution -- to support daring, unconventional work by ex- ceptional individuals over a long period of time. For a youn scientist to have the opportunity to work within one of the five Carnegie research departments is an experience of great worth. The Barbara McClintock Fellowships will be awarded to a new generation of scientific talent, but will recall the past accomplishments of an outstanding American geneticist. -2- We seek broad participation by Dr. McClintock's colleagues. The size of the gift is less important than the symbol of your giving. I am enclosing a card that you may use in your reply. We ask that you try to return this card by December 31st, so that we may show institutional donors, both corporations and philanthropic foundations, the extent of Support from the scientific community. We are deeply grateful for your consideration of the request and look forward to hearing from you. With best regards, Sincerely, My —hiagrr Maxine F. Singer - enclosure