PROGRAM IN HUMAN BIOLOGY Building 80, Inner Quad STANFORD UNIVERSITY, STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 /“ _ Area Code 415 497-3693 21 May 1979 Dr. Joshua Lederberg The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 Dear Josh: As usual I enjoyed visiting with you. I will continue to think about the possibility of policy work in New York. You asked for materials about my current courses. Enclosed are the prospectuses and reserve-reading lists for my environmental decisionmaking course (HB 41, 53 students, analogous to last quarter's health course) and for my risk assessment course (HB 144, 37 students). Casework is important in both: the topics are listed. (Note that length of space on the prospectus is not indicative of importance in the courses.) For our students I believe sensitization, substantive knowledge, and critical exercise are important in six areas: history and perspective, the scientific analytic base, decision- analytic approaches, information-gathering and decisionmaking, modes of social control (taxes, regulation, courts, etc.), aspects of goals, values, and priorities, and the special responsibilities of technically trained people. I try to cover all of these in all of my courses. ‘ I hope your seminar on comparative toxicology goes well, and I hope I might have an opportunity to sit in on it sometime, By the way, I did call David Donniger at NRDC to discuss the OSHA benzene suit; we had a cordial discussion, but it was hard for me to grasp his approach to the case (I don't mean this as a complaint; it's just not easy to do by telephone.) He is sending me the brief. My very best regards. Cordially, William W. Lowrance 4 ‘ WWL:sm (hut Poe Gane? encl.