Columbia Chiibersitty tithe Cty of Hote Dark 630 WEST I[G681H STREET NEW YORK,N.Y. 1OO32 VICE FRESIDENT FOR HEALTH SCIENCES (14 August 1979 Attallah Kappas, M.D. The Rockefeller University Hospital 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021 Dear Kap: Thank you for your letter with respect to the Interurban Club. I am delighted at your suggestion that Dick Rifkind be nominated as a candidate for the Interurban Club. He would have my strongest support. It never occured to me to suggest Josh Lederberg for membership in the Association of American Physicians. If he would be interested, I would be delighted to propose him and perhaps you could second his nomination. He clearly would add luster to the Association. The only question in my mind is whether he would be sufficiently interested in its activities. As you know, there is a requirement that he attend something like’ one or two out of every three annual meetings tg maintain his membership and I'm sure this issue would arise in the deliberation of the membership committee. I will look forward to hearing from you on the above. With warmest regards, Sin ely, aul A. Marks, M.D. Vice President for Health Sciences PAM:er