Banbury Center ) Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory p P.O. Box 534, Cold Spring Harbor, New York 11724 (516)549-0507 15 December 1980 Dr. Edward David, President Exxon Research and Engineering Company P.O. Box 101 Florham Park, New Jersey 07932 Dear Dr. David: As I promised in my letter of 17 November, I am transmitting to you a proposal for Exxon Corporation support of Banbury Center conferences and conference reports on scientific aspects of biological risk assessment. To save time, IJ also am sending a copy of this proposal with brief notes to Dr. Vaun Newill and Dr. Joshua Lederberg, who are both, as you know, vitally interested in the issues addressed at Banbury. The proposal requests support of core organizational expense and publication costs totaling $300,000 a year. We need this sum to guarantee smoothness of operation and intellectual independence. I should mention as examples of the types of meetings held here those we are planning in 1981-82: the quantification of occupational cancer, hereditary factors in cancer, nitrosamines in human cancer, carcinogenic potency, new techniques of chemical dosimetry and the measurement of health effects from chemical waste disposal. Other examples, of course, are provided by the eight technical conferences already held during the Center's first two and a half years. s Under separate cover, I am sending along copies of the first five Banbury Reports, published in the last 18 months, as examples of the work we do here. I enclose a copy of the latest Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and Banbury Center annual reports. Naturally, I stand ready to meet with you or persons you designate to discuss the proposal further and answer questions. I appreciate deeply your interest in our Banbury program, established through Jim Watson's vision. With best wishes, Sincerely, Victor K. McElheny Director VKM/bt Enclosures