JOHN S. MONAGAN, CONN., CHAIRMAN JOHN W. WYDLER, N.Y. WILLIAM S. MOORHEAD, PA. JOHN T. MYERS, IND. CORNELIUS E. GALLAGHER, N.J. NINETY-FIRST CONGRESS WILLIAM 0. COWGER, KY. . - Congress of the United States m25-8701 Bouse of Representatives SPECIAL STUDIES SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS RAYBURN HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING, ROOM B37? WASHINGTON, D.C. 20515 May 28, 1969 Dear Dr. Lederberg: I was struck by the recent column you published in the Washington Post in which you warned against "foolish gambles with and ingrusive exploitation of our common envivon- ment.'' I though you might be interested in a speech made recently by Congressman Gallagher, chairman of the Right to Privacy Inquiry of the Special Studies Subcommittee. He expands on your central theme and I am enclosing a copy of that speech for your information. Both Mr. Gallagher and I would appreciate any comments you may care to make. Sincerely, C bce Ce WN thts CHARLES WITTER Professional Staff Member Enclosure