Narech 11, 1974 AIRMAIL 7 Comserce Business Daily | le a. )) Sources Sous at Room 1304 . 433 West Yan Buren Straet Chicaga, fllinois 60607 Synopsis No. NIZ-74-14 The National Institute of Education has recently assigned high priority to research which seeks to explain language processes, especially those processes involved in comprehending spoken and printed messages. In particular, tentative plans have been made to assess the potential contribution of Artificial Intellisence (commuter sinulation of Inuwaan cognitive functions) to this problem ares. Soutces are sought for three pre-planning tasks: 1) Preparation of a paper which attempts to project specific inpact that AI research may have on the understanding of lanmiage pro-~ cesses. The paper is intended for circulation among Al researchers as an indication of NIE's particular interests. 2) Preparation of a state of the art paper which assesses and synthesizes knowledge gained from AI research against the gencral objective of understanding language processes. Nw Comierco Dusiness Daily 3) Compilation of a directory of Al rescarchors interested in Language, identitylag by name end position title those researchers who avo making contributions to the Literature. A gynopsis of cach researcher's interests will appear with her of his nare. In addition, the dircetory will shew leveis ef funding allocated to rescaveh in this field over the past threa ye and & listing of the journals which publish AI research on a regular basis. It is of the utmost inportarce thet potential sources Lor these tasks possess credibility as peers An the ALI community. Accordingly, heavy emphasis will ba placed upon cvaluating the publication records of respundents fo this announcement. In order to he considered for these three tasks, respondents should send a curriculun vita, including a list of pubiications, and es thre G rf £2 oO discussion of the approach thoy would use in addressing one of the tasks stated above. If intercsted in more than ons task, respondents s should prepare a separate suluission for cach task. Please submit within 15 days to (Attn: S/S-NCS) National Institute of Education, Contracts and Grants Management Division, Washington, D.C. 20208. C§G:BSULLIVAN:dm 3/11/74 cc:Reading File “4 Bill Sullivan