ony aay aa —a: 0. Prof. Dr. F.L. Bauer oo Jostitut tir Informatik INSTITUT FUR INFORMATIK @er Usdiniechon Universitat -8 Minchen 2 DER TECHNISCHEN UNIVERSITAT MUNCHEN Arcisstrabe 9 75 Postiath t0 24 ye o. Prof. Pr. Dreh.c. F. L. Bauer - Insist (ir laboematik der Technischen Universdat Munchen : {D-0000 Minchen 2, Poslech 202420 Luftpost = an MUONCHEN, DEN 7. 5. [984 Prof. J. Lederberg -- Gy , Department of Genetics Stanford University ANTWORT ERBETEN AN: a Stanford, California 94 305 : U Dr. Joshua Lederberg FERNRUF {089} 2105 - 8111 President Rocketeller University New York, NY soo2t Dear Professor Lederberg, the Carl Friedrich von Siemens Foundation has started a series of lectures on Expert Systems. The opening has been made by Prof. H. A. Simon in February 1984. A second lecture marking somehow the opposite position will be given by Prof. J. Weizenbaum in June 1984. These lectures deal with the theoretical basis of expert systems. In the conti- nuation of the lectures we would like to have the views from the other side of the fence. - I have therefore the honour and the pleasure to invite you to give a talk on the practical development and use of ex- pert systems. According to our plans the lecture should be given in fall this year. The Foundation will be glad to cover your travel and living expenses; on the details there will be a separate letter from the Foundation. It would be a great honour for us to have you as a speaker “ in our series of lectures. I remember with pleasure the Telex: tumue d 05-22854 - Institutseingang: Barer StraSe 23, Ecke GabelsbergerstraSc lunch speech you gave at the ITT meeting in New York in June 1983. I am sure your talk would cause stimulating and lively discussions with the audience which will con- sist of knowledpeable scientists. Looking forward to a favorable reply I am truly yours, PrvOree (fF. L. Bauer)