LLOYD HARBOR STUDY GROUP INC. ae r, BOX 771 7 HUNTINGTON, N. Y. 11748 August 19, 1970 Dr, Joshua Lederberg Stanford University Stanford, Cal, Dear Dr. Lederberg: Certain data attributed to you in the Washington Bost recently prompts me to write to you, In your discussion of diseases with a genetic basis (approx. 2000 of them) you made the prediction that if uses of the peaceful atom were expanded until we reached the FRC guideline limits we could expect am annual health care bill of $ 10-billion, This strong statement is important to us---as well as to the general public, certainly---because we are engaged in legal intervention in the licensing of one of these peaceful uses, a 829 MWe Boiling Water Reactor on the shore of Long Island Sound, (a tidal body), next to an extensive marsh, across the road from a Nike-Hercules base, five miles from Brookhaven National Lab reactors, 4% miles from the end of a runway of a naval testing airport which may become a major metroxpolitan jet- port and in a county which has been called the fastest growing county in the nation, The utility, in its application for the construction license, has not, in our opinion, shown that opera- tion of this plant, at this site, at the present state of the art, would NOT endanger the health and safety of the public, Especially, its assumptions of radionuclide releases in both air and water are inadequate and supported by sketchy cluculations which depend on former environmental Surveys done by BNL, which were also vague and misleading, As 14 of these plants are planned to encircle Long Island Sound---which besides reine effected already by BNL and plants on the Conn, River flowing into also supports the operation of the Groton nuclear sub base-~- we feel'it is imperative to bring all these questions out in the open NOW, This is the first construction license hearing bénce the passage of the National Environmental Policy Act so what is done here will set a prectdent for the following hearings, We have about 40 experts from throughout the nation to cover various aspects---including Drs. Gofman and Tamplin, Dr. Harvey Whee- ler and Dr, James Watson---and Ralph Nader"s group has also intervened, on the point of radioactive contamination of food products on L.I. Our question is, would you be able to give your important ideas at the hearing? We would, of course, pay your sire, S Smapéreyy yours Slats Sept af. witiiam Carl, chairman