MEMO FROM TO: TX J. LEDERBERG na, Carl Rc GENETICS DEPARTMENT Lloyd Harbor study RO STANFORD UNIVERSITY Grou p STANFORD, CALIFORNIA AUG 25 4970 {f there is any unrebutted susnicion that nuclear energy development on L.I. would lead to the exposure of a large population to as much as 19% of the FRC guidelines I would begin to share your alarm. that is your worst case estimate of the ren-eyuivalent exposure? tly"strong statenent™ was an attempt to be objective, which is not easy in this field. It does reduce, wt—eqdtibeiane—hiehnetd to $19B/2)) M pop./199 mrads/year or a per capita health cost of Sy sy soo govaed (germline Diagnostic- — _* eiipesis) medical A-ray, as now used, just about survives a cost-benefit analysis on this kaxxs basis. fe calculation assumes that our total true health bill is about 1/4 our GNP, which T believe but some would writicize; and that mutations account for 1/2 our health problem. which is reasonable, I would guess that the correct value that I give at $35). lies in the range of 9199 to 1099. You might want to expand on these numbers for a cost- benefit analysis of nuclear power; keeping in mind the costs of alternatives. I do not suggest that the burden of proof be shafted from its proper seat -- the spon- sors of these projects.