MEMO FROM TO: TX J. LEDERBERG Jr. Moseley Rc GENETICS DEPARTMENT STANFORD UNIVERSITY OCT 20 1970 STANFORD, CALIFORNIA I am a little puzzled about the founda- tions for such an emphatic statement..The of which I am aware that would bear on.your conclusion concern the greatly in- creased. radiation-sensitivity of cells from. hemozygotes for Xeroderma pigmentosum, which is sufficiently rare that it may have little hearing on acceptable population doses. Hew- ever, the heterozygotes have not vet been carefully studied, and as-far as I can see there. may well be a significant polymorphism for.. radiation-sensitivity in man Gwhich is not to say that I offer any -evidenee fer it.) If vou can give me any other ‘sources, I _ would — be grateful for them. a os : Sincerely, ae