Memo from To: p>. Lp Hamilton JOSHUA LEDERBERG Brookhaven Natl Lab UN Comm Effects of Atomic Radiation (ee How may I most expeditiously get the text of this short report? “Pte ’ ce ae 29 70 ae 2879 Contamination ‘ ’ To the Editor: vot * Under the’ headline “U.N. Panel ° ' Warns of the Hazards of Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Power” your correspondent from the U.N. stated (Oct. 4) that, ac- : cording to the Report to the General Assembly. of the Scientific Committee - ' on the: Effects of Atomic Radiation, ; . “the peaceful uses of nuclear power - have outstripped bomb tests as a - : threat to world ie through radia- . tion.” -. Since the relevant four paragraphs of this two-page report merely record . the committee’s decision to consider in NOV 9 1970 detail its future reviews of environ- mental contamination that from peace- - . ful uses of nuclear energy and radioac- tive isotopes in addition to that from atmospheric nuclear explosions, it is ° difficult to read in the text an explicit ’ or-implicit warning of the hazard of . peaceful uses of nuclear power or even a suggestion that the peaceful uses of nuclear power have outstripped bomb tests as a threat to world health. , L. D. HAMILTON | _-, Setauket, L. 1, Oct. 6, 1970.