32k NEKOL S/S STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 e (415) 321-1200 STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Department of Genetics OCT 22 179 Dear Dr. Morgan: I am gratified to note the actions recorded in the article in the Wall St. Journel. If there is se formsl procedure for submitting comments on the standerds, I would sppreciate being apprised of the correct channel. May I also ask you for references to whatever cost-benefit analyses may have been made to suggest a rational approach at calculseting the Pareto-optimum for the investment in reducing X-ray exposure? Pert of this exercise would also include an estimate of the existing cost of radiology, per rad, and some breakdown by different functions. I attach for your mnterest some crude calculations of my own which may be relevant to a cost-benefit analysis. My estimete of $100 as the present value of the integrated genetic-health cost per rad of exposure (gonadal) will drew fire from both sides of the present controversy; but I do not see how it can easily be wrong by much more then s factor of 10. At the same time it is, or should be, consistent with the good practice of radio- logy, in terms of the expected value to the patient; and it is not that far off what he is likely to be chargedi for the service. (I am of course speaking of diagnostic work). At least these are some reasonable suppositions, about which I have asked you for some supporting data in my previous paragraph. But then there must still remain an enormous latitude to jus- tify adding $1000 to the price of a machine thet surely must de- liver many kilorads during its useful lifetime, when ss you sug- gest the improvement could give a 1/3 reduction in needless ex+ posure! The kind of number I find elusive is just what the cost per rad-reduced will be. Please let me know if I can be of any service in this metter. Yours sincerely, Joshus Lederberg Professor of Genetics LT. J. P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE