May 4, 1971 Dr. Albert W. Hilberg Division of Medical Sciences National Research Council 2101 Constitution Avenue Washington, D. C. 20418 Dear Dr. Hilberg: Dr. Lederberg asked me to inform you of the arrangements which have been made for your visit here, and the committee meeting. I have reserved Suite 7 at the Stanford Faculty Club for you and Dr. MeConnaughey for the nights of May 19 and 20. You can check in mid-afternoon, of course, when you arrive. I enclose a map for your use if you are unfamiliar with the campus. The meeting, too, will be hald at the Faculty Club, in Room 8. This is a lagge room and will have a conference table and a table for lunch. It should be quite satisfactory: If you need any further information, or if I can help to arrange anything elee, please let me know. Sincerely yours, (Mrs.) Edna Forsberg Administrative Assistant