NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ENGINEERING 2101 CONSTITUTION AVENUE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20418 Division OF MEDICAL SCIENCES April 28, 1971 MEMORANDUM To: Members of the Subcommittee on Genetics Effects From: Albert W. Hilberg, M.D. (2 Hubber. Subject: Meeting of Subcommittee, May 20, ore | The next meeting of the Genetics Subcommittee will be held on May 20, 1971 beginning at 9:00 a.m. The meeting will be with Dr. Josh Lederberg at Stanford University, Stanford, California. I will assume that you will make your own arrangements for hotels, etc. Please fill in and return the enclosed card for my records at your earliest convenience. Enclosure ec: Dr. James F. Crow