ote Memo from To: Du dtin CO i-orth JOSHUA LEDERBERG Dipecke Berio / Re diderscespteo tee Rerbivilfe , PLL 8 ff ~f. EP 90 1971 “23F SZ | the genetic inheritance of Small X-Ray Dosage future generations. | . Although no — significant Ts Reported Capable somatic. change has been ; ‘demonstrated in adults as a Of Genetic Damage result of the low doses incurred NY heer in diagnostic radiology, “the, ; 7 report said, there is laboratory WASHINGTON, Aus. pine evidence that even these levels Public Health Service says that|5r radiation might affect some X-Ray gadiation levels lowerjcells. than previously believed can| However, several epidemio- cause genctic damage. logical studies suggest that spe- Tt has been known that X-ray cial consideration must be rn given to the relatively high radiation in large amounts Caniradiosensitivity of the fetus, cause genetic damage, andjparticularly during the early many scientists have maintain-|phases of pregnancy. ed that smaller amounts might| The report placed the genetic-- also cause genetic damage. ally significant_ X-ray dosage The health agency said Thurs-|—that at which genetic damage day its warning was based on could result—al 53 millirads. a joint study conducted with) This Jevel 18 commonly traus- the American College of Radio-jmitted to patients during X-ray logy’s Commission on Radiologic examinations. coe Units, Standards and Protection.) The report said that failure The study said that sound|to limit the X-ray beam to the theoretical considerations sug-|size of the film or fluoroscopic gested that even small amounts|screen used was the major of radiation exposure to thelidentifiable cause of unneces-_ gonads could adversely affectisary exposure. - oy Is this cortectly reported? What does the underlined expression mean? Is it a garbled attribution of the empirical measurement of the intensity of gonadal irradia- tion in the population survey(s)? If so, which one; and doesn't such a garble warrant correction, by the press? PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG Department of Genetics / School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 Be Hewes Sem | IY INR SS