OCT 1 8 1971 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND 20852 October 13, 1971 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 Dear Dr, Lederberg: You are probably aware of the current review o entific basis for radioactive standards sponsored by the Federal Radiation Cg (presently the Criteria and Standards Division, Envi?ens al Protection Agency) and the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, This review includes the combined efforts of a National Academy of Sciences Advisory Committee, a Special Studies Group under the auspices of EPA and NCRP. As DHEW representative on the Special Studies Group and Co-Project Officer (together with Dr. Paul C. Tompkins) of the NAS contract, I have a particular interest in the magnitude of the radiation dose from medical radiography. In this regard I am attempting to gather information on the "cost-benefit" relationship relative to medical radiation. I am familiar with your cost-analysis of genetic disease from radiation and your opinion concerning the importance of the medical radiation dose. I will be on the West Coast in early November and, if it is agreeable with you, I would like ~ to get your opinion on the cost-benefit relationship as it relates to . medical diagnostic radiation, My present schedule is such that I will be = in the Palo Alto area on November 9, 1971. aan ay fem cd Sincerely, _ Bernard Shleien DHEW Representative Special Studies Group nove ‘871 Callool _ O.k- ( Rr)