DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS/GROUP SUITE 909 « 1010 VERMONT AVE., N.W. e WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005 (202) 783-2761 ~ April 12, 1972 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 Subject; Relative Genetic Safety from Atomic Radiation Dear Dr. Lederberg: You recently spoke at a Stanford alumni luncheon in Washington, D.C., dwelling on the above topic. Your material, technical, was crystal clears you have the gift of meeting the layman at his level of understanding. It appears that a report I now am beginning, regarding the economic justification for nuclear power plants in Connecticut, could use, indirectly, the atomic radiation information you presented in the above alumni talk, If you have written such, either in brief or at length, I would appreciate a copy or reference to where I can get a copy. And may you soon again stimulate our Washington, D.C., Stanford alumni group. Yours very truly, DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS GROUP eden a Varty . Economist JV:ts 4/19/72: Copy of "Squaring an Infinite Circle" and "Selected Bibliography of Readily Available Material on Benefit-Risk Analysis" mailed to Jack Varty at above address. A Division of Raymond, Parish & Pine, inc., with other offices at White Plains, New York West Haven, Connecticut and Philadelphia, Pennsyivania