fh OMY FTOM £0: / LEDERBERG Professor Be Lindell NOV 11 1970 Radiatien Protection. Cost-Benefit analf¢sis Thank you for your prompt reply. I was alse deeply gratified at the correspondence of our conclusions; I had had theretofore only a vague intuitive impression that the practice of health-physicists would generate a number in the range of $10 - 100 per manrad, but surely with many idiosyncratic and irrational P.S., Re SSI:1970-027 exceptions, Your "PQR" approach is one with which, ob- The extrapolatien te eventual levels of viously, I am in close accord. De you know energy productien (pp. 18 ff) may be slightly also Chauncey Starr's paper (Science, 9/19/69) tee rigorous. In principle, one might elect -- which, however, I believe to be quite faul- to build somewhat leakier reactors today, . ty/ in concept. He does not approach what and use the economic savings, and engineering people will be willing to pay for incremental design experience, to budéld even better con- improvements in safety, under conditiens ef trolled ones in future. But this does re- reasenable information, quire a rigerous plan (and economic justifi- William Gorham, now president ef the Urban cation .. like PQR... ) for the future as Institute in Washington,D.C., when he was well as present program. Asst. Secy of HEW for Program Coordination, What is the present situation, of the cost developed a series of studies published by of population-dose-reduction in the nuclear HEW as "Program Ahalysis/Disease Centre] Pre- reactor field? a grams", "1966-5"; they calculate the present we value of expected earnings of the “average 27-f¥ear old male" at $125,060, and calculate cost-benefits of other programs accordingly. I did not directly include non-economic costs in my calculations. If I did, they might¢ Mick OG ery Would the ecenomic advantage of nuclear power replacement of fossil-fuel today justi- fy using up all, or one tenth, of the IRCP guidelines? % A wb we exceed the GNP: My approach, like yours, ‘J rather observes the economic behavior of peo- ple who actually make decisions. te Do you have ststistics on the dverage duty i cycle, or manrad per day delivered, per machin. 3¢ x I fally accept your lpoint on dose- commitment, which was als De eeEsSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG * epartment enetics welll-covered in the UN com- Sctrool of Medicine mitjtee analyses of fallou Stanford University t ¥ * Stanford, California 94305 cron Postadress ; Fack National Institute of ! 104 01 Stockholm 60 Radiation Protection