DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE ECU SCHOOL OF MEDICINE GREENVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 27834 Department of Medicine Office of the President The Rockefeller Institute York Avenue New York, New York 10021 Dear Sir: August 28, 1979 OREFELLER Ung GM a - - SEP 41979 « ce oF aye wR Tel. (919) 757-4633 I wish to advise you of the death of my father, Dr. Jacob Furth. Dr. Jacob Furth died in his sleep on July 22, 1979, at the age of 83, of a myocardial infarction in Surry, Maine. As you know, he was a nationally and internation- ally recognized scientist who mde many scientific contributions in the areas of cancer research, experimental pathology, and endocrinology. His national and international awards are too numerous to mention at this time. If you desire any further informtion please contact m. Sincerely, my a » ~ Ce C Y? oe bar preteen” Ber 7 vo Eugene D. Furth, M.D. Professor & Chairmn Department of Medicine —s FURTH, JACOB, b Miskolcz. Hungary. 96: nat US. CANCER. EXPERIMENTAL PATHOLOGY. Educ: Ger Univ. Prague. MD. 21. Am Bd Path. dipl. Hon Degrees: DSc. Univ Pa, 68. Prof Exp: Asst hyg inst. Ger Univ, 21-22; fel Henry Phipps Inst. Pa, 24-25. from asst to assoc, 25-32: pathologist med col. Cornell Univ. 32-33, from asst prof to assoc prof. 33-45. prof. 45-49; chief tab. Br 10. US Vet Admin, 47-49, chief path & physiol sect. Biol Div. AEC. Oak Ridge Nat Lab. 49-53; assoc dir res. Children’s Cancer Res Found. Harvard Med Sch. 54-59; dir exp path. Roswell Park Mem Inst, Buffalo. $9-61: prof. 61-67, EMER PROF PATH & SPEC LECTR. COLUMBIA UNIV, 67- Concurrent Pos: Clin prof, Harvard Med Sch, 58-59: dir path lab. Francis Delafield Hosp. 61-68. actg dir inst cancer res. Columbia Univ, 68-69. Honors & Awards: AMA Gold Medal. 31. Bertner Award. MD. Anderson Hosp & Tumor Inst. 58: Robert Roessler de Villiers Award. 59: Semmelweis Medal. 62: Clowes Medal. Am Asn Cancer Res. 62: Rosenthal Award. AAAS. 67: Alessandro Pascoli Prize, Perugia Int Cancer Conf. 73: Rovs-Whipple Award. Am Ash Pathologists & Bacteriologisis. 74. “lem: AAAS: Am Asn Cancer Res (pres, 57-58): Am Soc Exp Path (pres. 59-60): Nat Acad Sci. Res: Typhoid: tuberculosis: antigens: leukemia: blood: tumors: general pathology: radiation biology: endocrine neoplasia. Mailing Add: Inst of Cancer Res Columbia Univ 99 Ft Washington Ave New York NY 10032 vf Col gritos Wafers a feeds TS East Carolina University is a constituent institution of The University of North Carolina An Equal Opportunity /Affirmative Actian Employer