Fund for Integrative Biomedical Research 1000 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Suite 803, Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 293-7660 September 28, 1983 “™*stemstummnsnecinmcisemse Dr. Joshua Lederberg President Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 OCT 3 1983 6 4 Ze oF He pst Dear Dr. Lederberg: S I am writing to update you on current events regarding FIBER, the FIBER staff and the National Council on the Aging Inc. As you know FIBER and NCOA have been working out an ongoing relationship. We have made progress and are ready to begin the transition to a new situation as of October lst. At that time NCOA has agreed to take on administrative responsibility for FIBER. We are grateful that we will be under their fine administrative capacity as well as being included in their fundraising and programmatic plans. FIBER and the FIBER Board of Directors will continue to be responsible for raising the funds to support the FIBER scientific program, I believe that this is a logical time for me to move on. While I will always maintain my interest in FIBER's mandate, the new arrangement allows me to take the time to be more involved with other issues that have long been of concern to me. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work with you and to have been involved with this fine organization. I have learned a great deal and I hope that I have been able to make a contribution to the ability of FIBER to carry on its important work. Also as of October lst Joyce Fordham will be moving on. NCOA is able to absorb Joyce's many responsibilities and we only hope that they will be able to maintain the quality service she has provided to us. Bill Regelson will continue to serve as FIBER's Scientific Director and will work closely with Jack Ossofsky, NCOA's Executive Director, in fundraising and program development. We are pleased that FIBER will continue its individual identity and I am sure it will benefit greatly by its close association with NCOA. We hope you will not only continue your commitment and involvement but will keep in close touch with FIBER at the address and phone that we acquired when we moved to NCOA's building (once again it is 600 Maryland Avenue, S.W., West Wing 100, Washington, D.C. 20024, 479-1200 x365). Again, I wish you and FIBER the best of luck and I hope that we can keep in touch. Best regards. Cordially, Yio en Elizabeth ©. Chotin Executive Director The Fund for integrative Biomedical Research is a non-profit corporation. Contributions are tax-deductible.