Dove, Fund for 2DAX EMS OER KOM | integrative SUNK XKNIX Biomedical WREKIN OOO OIE 1742 N Street, N.W. Research 202.293.7660 William Regelson, M.D. Scientific Director Paul Leventhal Executive Director Board of Directors Harvey Silbert President Marcus H. Rabwin, M.D. Vice President Mrs. Alan Cranston Secretary & Treasurer Vincent V. Abajian Mrs. Marjorie Benton Bernard Bergreen Mrs. Nancie Brooke Knapp Mrs. Albert D. Lasker Robert Peterson Mrs. Lyn Revson Miles Rubin Mary Carol Rudin Scientific Advisory Board Marcus H. Rabwin, M.D. Chairman Science Advisory Board Harry Demopoulos, M.D. Associate Protessor of Pathology New York University Medical Center William Doering, Ph.D. Mallinkrodt Professor of Chemistry Harvard University Allan Goldstein, Ph.D. Chairman, Department of Biochemistry School of Medicine George Washington University Joshua Lederberg, Ph.D. President Rockefeller University Cart Merril, M.D. Research Scientist Laboratory of General and Comparative Biochemistry National Institute of Mental Health Erwin Pachter, M.D. Director of Research Bristol Laboratories Albert Rosenfeld Consultant on Future Programs March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation Lewis Thomas, M.D. Chancellor Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center F. Marott Sinex, Ph.D. Professor of Biochemistry Boston University James Weisiger, Ph.D. Director Scientific Evaluation Program National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism and Digestive Diseases Jerry Williams, Ph.D. Professor of Radiology and Pharmacology School of Medicine George Washington University CAS FS Washington, D.C. April 14, 198] 20036 Dr. Joshua Lederberg President Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 Dear Dr. Lederberg, I am pleased to invite you to attend the first meeting of FIBER's Science Advisory Board in 1981. The meeting will take place on Friday, May 8 in the Conference Room of our new head- quarters at 1742 N Street, N.W., beginning at 9:30 AM. Having just recently come on board as Executive Director, I consider this an extremely important meeting for the opportunity to have an exchange of ideas on how FIBER can fulfill its promise as a catalyst in aging research. Establishment of priorities is an essential objective in FIBER's second year. We will be emphasizing implementation of anti-aging research and strategies that were identified during FIBER's first year. FIBER's success depends on an active and involved Science Advisory Board dealing both with the science of aging and the policies of FIBER. The attached agenda is intended to give members of the Science Advisory Board their first opportunity this year to meet aS a group and to consider both. As you can see from the agenda, we are planning a full-day pro- gram with several presentations and ample time for discussion. Senator Cranston will be at the meeting and have opening remarks. We will have a rapporteur, and minutes of the meeting will be distributed to members both of the Science Advisory Board and of the Board of Directors. We plan to have regularly scheduled meetings of the Science Advisory Board at intervals and consistent with a format to be decided at this initial session. There will be a buffet lunch in the conference room and a cocktail reception at the end of the day. Of course, FIBER will reimburse transportation, hotel and other expenses in connection with this and subsequent meetings of the Science Advisory Board. 3 6 tS cr oo of 7 3 CG cr Gg The Fund for Integrative Biomedical Research is a tax-exempt public charity. Your contributions are deductible -?2.- Bill Regelson and I are looking forward to this meeting. Please let me know at your earliest convenience whether you will attend and whether we can be of assistance in arranging your accommodations. (Lib) Paul Leventhal Executive Director PL/jf Enclosure FIiDER