—— 4 -. xf reddy ROBERT A. FREITAS JR. — 100 BUCKINGHAM DR. APT. 253 SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA 95051 TEL. (408) 247-8709 February 2, 1979 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Chairman Department of Genetics Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305 Dear Dr. Lederberg: During the past four years I have researched and written a book in which I discuss the subject of life on other worlds in a sober, objective and con- prehensive manner. The work, nearly completed and now entering the review phase, runs to well over 600 pages and is pitched to the intelligent layman. (I've taken the liberty of enclosing my most recent chapter outline so you can see the breadth of coverage.) I have tried to accomplish several objectives: (1) To assemble in one place the results of all pertinent researches, writings, and reasonable speculations concerning extra- terrestrial life published to date; (2), To stimulate new ideas and to suggest possible new areas of research; and (3) To substantiate the oft-challenged claim that a scientific field of study pertaining to extraterrestrial life (which I call "xenology" for a variety of reasons) even exists. In view of your long-standing interest in and many contributions to the field, I thought you might be interested in having a look at Chapter 16 of my book, entitled "Xenobiotechnology" (3lpp). If so, I would be most gratefulrr, 20 1979 for any comments or suggestions you might care to make generally on "y book as a whole or specifically on Chapter 16. Pp y Pp ~ a), dA bon ta Cf CED OR en B.S. degrees in Physics @d in eM = a-—~ Juris Doctor degree in Law from har tw if “iave published several articles in Cae ref \ Vaefpeme2rstellar Relations," Mercury 6 Lr j—-3'™ tights of Extraterrestrials," Analog | »f Lobbying for Space (Space Initia- 7 . n an Associate Fellow of the British 2 AAAS, the Astronomical Society of , Chairma idressed envelope is enclosed. Stanford iversity Very truly yours, Stanford 94305 FAK G. Zaks L, Dr. Joshua Lederberg Robert A. Freitas Jr. President Rockefeller University New York, NY 10021