MILBANK, TWEED, HADLEY & MCCLOY 1 CHASE MANHATTAN PLAZA NEW YORK, N.Y. 10005 ALEXANDRA HOUSE L (212) 530-5000 16 CHATER ROAD G KONG CABLE! MILTWEED NEW YORK HON RAPIFAX 100:530-5219 t COLLEGE HILL LT % 422962, 423893 LONDON EC4R 2RA, ENGLANO ALEXANDER D. FORGER W.U. 12-5595 NIPPON PRESS CENTER BUILDING PARTNER 2-1 UCHISAIWAI-CHO 2-CHOME OR Ee ao eo CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO 100 (212) $30- March 27, 1986 Dr. Joshua Lederberg President The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 11373 Dear Josh: The New York State Bar Association is develop- ing a unique public service program -- a Council on Law and Society which annually will bring together leading representatives of the law and other disciplines to address the legal implications of fundamental social issues. Through this pooling of knowledge and per- Spectives, the Council will identify these issues, in- crease awareness of them, and stimulate appropriate governmental or private action. . An annual symposium will be presented on a topic selected by the Council. This program contemplates a keynote address by a selected speaker, who will receive an honorarium on the selected topic, to be followed by a discussion with a panel composed of Council members and others who will add their talents and views to the discus- Sion. The speaker's paper on the subject will also be published. As a member of the advisory committee which is SY developing this program, I have the privilege of inviting you to serve on the Council. The standing which you have in the community and your expertise and experience would be invaluable to this endeavor and will lend enormous pres- tige to the annual award. The inaugural symposium is planned for the New rk State Bar Association's Annual Meeting in January S98) in conjunction with the bicentennial commemoration of the United States Constitution. Accordingly, we wish to convene a planning meeting of the Council in the spring of this year. We anticipate that the Council will meet for lunch or dinner once or twice per year in New York City. The Council will be assisted by staff of the New York State Bar Association. I hope that you can join us in this exciting UY” eublic spirited program. Would you let me know by April 11 whether you will be able to particpate. Rhorad. OM arsey, thik fir Sincerely, ADF: cm Alexander D. Fokger