MILBANK, TWEED, HADLEY & MCCLOY 1 CHASE MANHATTAN PLAZA NEW YORK, N. Y. 10005 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 ALEXANDRA HOUSE (212) S30-5000 16 CHATER ROAD CABLE: MILTWEED NEW YORK HONG KONG RAPIFAX 100:530-S5219 {| COLLEGE HILL LT. T. 422962, 4238903 LONDON EC4R 2RA, ENGLAND ALEXANDER D. FORGER TELEX: 12-5595 PARTNER NIPPON PRESS CENTER BUILDING DIRECT DIAL NUMBER 2-t UCHISAIWAI-CHO 2-CHOME (212) 530-5314 June 28 ’ 1985 CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO [00 Dr. Joshua Lederberg President The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021 Dear Josh: As a follow-up to the discussions we had at the RU Trustees’ Retreat at Seven Springs, I would like to spend some time with you, as well as each of the other members of the Development Committee, to discuss some thoughts on our current fund raising efforts, including your views as to how to approach some of our major prospects. I welcome also the chance to obtain an indication of the level of your own personal participation in the campaign.* | I will call you within the next week or so in order a to set a convenient time for us to meet. I would be happy O/T to come by your office and could do so either early morning or late afternoon, whichever might best fit into your schedule. I look forward to seeing you soon. Alexander D.| Forger P.S. I'm delighted with the news of Barry's impending appointment.