Lag S * nied 9 Os 9 May 1985 Alexander D, Forger, Esq. Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy One Chase Manhattan Plaza New York, N.Y. 10005 Dear Alex: Many thanks again, belatedly, for taking such a long time for our session, over lunch on April 16. It is always a pleasure to talk things over with you and I always learn some things that stick with me as impor- tant. The University deeply appreciates your commitment of time. So it is hard to convey in a few words how greatly we value your experience and insight. We will be keeping you informed as we continue the discussions here with our faculty regarding the Draft Policy on Consulting and External Service. I have shared with Paul Cameron a copy of your April 4 letter to me. Josh, Bill Griesar, and I are continuing to work on the matter. Your participation at Seven Springs was magnificent. The priority on fund-raising could not have been underscored in a more elegant, cogent, and persuasive fashion. . Warmest personal regards. Sincerely, fad —— Rodney W. Nichols Executive Vice President cc: Joshua Lederberg William H. Griesar Natt YS Y Neat D> Ay CE OF THE pRESOE” OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT a 45,0" mee rere)