oO THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSI trl Kz 1230 YORK AVENUE +ยป NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10021- Go| Rockefeller e\ University a a) >>> OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT 1 August 1984 Alexander D. Forger, Esq. Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy One Chase Manhattan Plaza New York City 10005 Dear Alex: For a number of reasons well known to you, we intend to reevaluate our policies on consulting by members of the faculty. I recall my letter to you on this subject two years ago (copy en- closed) in which I tried to recapitulate the arguments for and against requiring mandatory disclosure. This is, of course, a critical issue that we will reconsider during the next few months in consultation with several of the Board. Incidentally, a survey of selected universities was carried out by Norton Zinder and Jackie Winn about a year ago, and a copy of their paper is enclosed, Additional national surveys are underway on all aspects of the is- sues raised by consulting to both for-profit and not-for-profit organi- zations. We are participating in these surveys, and we should receive results during the fall. Distinctions about for-profit organizations may be important in that, perhaps, only those consulting arrangements ought to elicit mandatory disclosure. I gather you have had occasion to read our policy recently. But in case it isn't handy, I enclose an extra copy. Whenever convenient for you, I could visit you in your office or we could find a date to have lunch in order to go over this and related matters. Best personal regards. Sincerely, fad Rodney W. Nichols Executive Vice President Enclosures cc: William H. Griesar Joshua Lederberg: Patricia Smalley