a Dr. Gerald Fink J Department of Genefics Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14850 Dear Gerry: I am writing to confirm our phone conversation and note some rele- vant points. For one, I shall be out of the country from February 3 through February 22, Should you have any questions during that period, call Jim Darnell, 212-360-1970, who will be able to help. At this time, we expect you to arrive on Sunday evening, March 8th. Take a taxi to Rockefeller. Have the driver take you up the hill from York Avenue and drop you at Founder's Hall. The guard will have your key. The guest house is on the second floor of Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Hall. Your key will open the front door. Settle in. My home phone is 421-3777 and I live but five minutes away so would be glad to hear from you or to help if there's a problem. On Monday morning there'll be coffee and rolls in the corridor outside your room. If you desire a larger breakfast, there's a cafeteria on the en- trance floor of the Tower Building. My office is room 406 Smith Hall, phone number 1322. You will see a few people Monday morning. After lunch, at 2 p.m. Z you'll give a seminar (probably 50 people not too well versed in yeast genetics). // After the seminar you'll speak with Josh. A bit of rest and then we'll go out to dinner. Looking forward to seeing you. Yours sincerely, (oven Norton D. Zinder Enclosure ec: J. Lederberg 4 P, Choppin J. Darnell