STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS 20 October 1978 President The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue of? New York, New York 10021 Dr. Joshua Lederberg 2? Dear Josh, I've worked some on the penicillin manuscript and am enclosing it for your LZ criticisms. Gan made some small stylistic changes, but the content is essentially unchanged from the older copy you have. He feels that the results are important and should be published as soon as possible. I think that the manuscript still needs a bit more work, especially to convert it to a note to J. Bact. rather than a full- fledged paper, but decided to postpone that until receiving your comments. On the other hand, the spore paper needs a great deal of work to get it in shape, even for a short communication to J. Bact. Again, Gan read and reworked parts of it, and Jim is trying to respond to his criticisms. Naturally, you are the final judge of such matters, but Gan and I are a bit sceptical about its suitability for publication. We'll try to get you a new version on hard copy next week. So for the moment, please take a look at the penicj{llin-mediated transformation manuscript. You can send me comments on the machine, or directly on the paper, as you please. Congratulations on your official installation. It must have been a nice opportunity to see some old friends and colleagues. Best regards, (org Jerry Feitelson \ oe DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS, STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 ° (415) 497-5052