NEL Cot — KTS Maro} 22, 1952. Dear Cohn Thank you for your prompt and informative letter. It will take some time to assimilate fully, but in any case, I can respond with very little mre than was included in my first letterp and in ay earlier correspondence with Jacques~ perhaps he might dig this out for you as an equivalent in volume, if not in quality, to your summary. Your suggestion to exchange mass. bearing on problems of mitual interest 45 a gcod ons. In compliance, I must admit to & general paper presented at the Genetics “ociety last Fall, and to be in- cluded in "Genetics in the 20th Century", to be published soon by MacMillan. Unfortunately, Stanier now has my only copy, but there is nothing new in it except 4 surprising convergence of attitudes. One specific detail in your letter provokes some cusment: the non-utilize- tion of homomorphous arabinosides by p-D-galactosidass. Mr, Snyder, in Link's lab just recently prepared sone ound trophenyl—s—R-arabepyrancside to test just this point. My enzyme prep. from K-12 has sn appreciable activity on this compound: Vig, about 1:6 compared to ONPG, K, about €/250, so that heavy con- Centrations must be used to satugnte the enzye (in m/50 Na-Phosphate buffer, 7.5). There are any number of possible reasons for this Glecrepaasy, but the easiest way to clear it up would be for you test OHPA yourself. Unfortunetaly our supply is (as uaual) very limited, and the enclosed sample is a aubstantial part of thet available now; however, it sould more than suffice for the im mediate purpose. Your remarks on ths thlogalactogidez are extremely provocative: {2 you could perchance spare a reasouably suali quantity of any actively dahibitory one, I would appreciate the favor, I might add that I had reached the same concjusion about the sepeability of enzyme—combnation and inductivity from the behavior of the Lac; amitent: this responds to N-Butyl gal. but not to lactose; however, the lactase cnee formed acts quite as usual on lactose. By the way, I hear that Ryan fs isolating mtants "Induced" with galoctceides. irs. Lederberg and I found several years ago thet Lac~ mitante repeat adly cropped up in butyl~galactcside broth, but assumed this was due to adverse selection of high internal BuGH in Lac+ ceils. Id there evidence to rule out selection? Rober&@ and his group of blophysicists at Carnegie Terrestrial Magnetiom (“ashington) were delving pretty deeply into lactase adaptation, but had to quit for war work. They had some interesting material on adaptation in EF, coli B- which gces faster in washed suspensions than with most strains. Sincerely, - Joshua Lederberg