3 LZ Fe Mill | 850 Third Avenue New York, NY 10022 (212) 838-7200 Or. Phoebe Huang Director, Scientific Data Services Scientific DataLink.. A Division of Comtex Scientific Corporation EO Scientific Advisory Board Or. Bruce G. Buchanan Professor of Computer Science Research November 5 3 1985 Stanford University Dr. Francis H.C. Crick Distinguished Research Professor The Salk institute for Biological Studies Nobel! laureate Dr. Alan J. Perlis Dr. Joshua Lederberg Eugene Higgins chad President ot of Computer Scienceā€ . A Yale University The Rockefeller University Dr. Frederick Seitz 1230 York Avenue President E. ts The Rockefeller University New York > N.Y. 1002 1 Dr. Charles H. Townes University Professor of Physics Dear Dr. Le derbe rg: University of California, Berkeley Nobel! laureate Just a short note to let you know that we will be publishing Part II of the MIT AI technical report collection. It's not at all clear to me why Patrick Winston changed his mind. It suffices that he did, and we're pleased. Sincerely, Phoebe tang Phoebe Huang PH/ jb