4 _ % | — Scientific DataLink.. ei 850 Third Avenue New York, NY 10022 (212) 838-7200 [ A Division of Comtex: Scientific Corporation “Tl Uj Dr. Phoebe Huang Director, Scientific Data Services Scientific Advisory Board July 2, 1985 Dr. Bruce G. Buchanan Prof f Computer Sc. Re Seg Unoipiter Scrence Resear, Joshua Lederberg Or. Francis H.C. Crick President Spa cane’ Hess arr Proleeeor The Rockefeller University Bie al i Nobellaureate "1230 York Avenue Dr. Alan J. Perlis New York, NY 10021 Eugene Higgins Professor Dept. of Computer Science Yale University Dear Dr. Lederberg: Dr. Frederick Seitz President E: . * The Hockefeller University Finally I've gotten my hands on copies of Volumes III and IV of Dr. Charies H. Townes the SDL Index to AI Research to send to you; we had temporarily University Professor of Physics run out. University of California, Berkeley Nobel iaureate During the last week or so, we've hit a dead end that you may have the interest to help us circumnavigate. It's for a good cause - I simply don't know whether you have the time or inclination. There is a complicated relationship between Comtex and Patrick Winston at the MIT AI Lab that traces back to the original agreement permitting Comtex 7o publish the early MIT technical reports (1958-March 1979): Ed Immergut, then the editorial director here, entered into a publishing agreement with Marvin Minsky - though Winston was director of the lab. There are legitimate claims and gripes on both sides. The upshot is that Winsbon has refused to have anything to do with us. The consequence? We've been unable to obtain permission to publish the 1979+ MIT reports; and the now 77 customers we have for MIT part I continue to request the more current papers (they are near impossible to get from MIT). More serious, this omission now jeopardizes the configuration of any subject-based collections (i.e., in expert systems, knowledge representation, vision, etc.): these would make no sense without current MIT papers. The MIT Patent, Copyright Licensing Office has attempted to work with me, though they clearly cannot force Winston to do anything. Karen Keefe has felt all along that one could wear Winston down. Well I have written to him repeatedly, and truly believed that there would be some response to this Jast letter, a copy of which I have enclosed. I was wrong. There is no question that my efforts are entirely futile. Can you help us? When I had lunch with Charles Townes yesterday, he suggested that perhaps I should ask Fred Seitz to ask Herb Simon to intervene - to perhaps put some gentle pressure on Winston. He also mentioned knowing you very well; and if he didn’t suggest asking you directly, it was probably out of consideration. The thought did occur to me, though. If you have any inclination to help, would you let me know, or your secretary can leave a message for me. Sincerely, “Phoebe Hany Phoebe Huang PH/jb J kann'l spakan yck Sed Seth,