Le | Stanford University . : Knowledge Systems Laboratory § i Department of Computer Science - v ems” 701 Welch Road «+ Palo Alto, California 94304 BRUCE G. BUCHANAN PROFESSOR OF COMPUTER SCIENCE, RESEARCH ; (415) 497-0935 April 26, 1985 Mr. Herb Nagourney Comtex Scientific Corporation 50 Third Avenue New York, New York 10022 Dear Herb: When I looked at the first volume of abstracts, I was pleased that it looked so professional. One of the first details I. noticed, however, was Joshua Lederberg's name listed on the first page as a member of the Scientific Advisory Board. This upsets me a great deal since he specifically told me that he did not want his name used in print in connection with COMTEX, and I gave that information to you immediately. Will you please explain how this happened? If it was your decision, I would like you to write to Dr. Lederberg immediately to apologize before someone else calls it to his attention. I am acutely embarassed, as a member of the Scientific Advisory Board and as the personal friend who initially asked Dr. Lederberg to join me on the Board. If it was not your decision, will you please be sure that the person responsible writes to him? If I do not see a copy of a written apology to Dr. Lederberg within two weeks, I will feel obliged to resign from the Board. Sincerely, fh Bruce G. Buchanan cc: P, Huang G. Keeping