Date: Sat, 14 Apr 84 09:49:19 est °To: buchanan@sumex + D Ke > 7 SFroam: ee COMTEX.) ~Subyect: COMTEX cn see coe it gee nena, Hi Bruce. i am glad to note your connection with COMTEX, and I view it and YOUT connection with it as 4 ‘goad thing’. I guess I cauld offer an Occasional ‘10 minutes’ on an ad hoc basisi but I have reached the limit of my formal affiliations, and the number of advertised obligstions that can fit on my conflict-af-interest statements. { will suggest ta Nagourney that he invite me to “observe’ at an occasional meeting: and in liew of compensation that COMTEX make SOme Contribution (perhaps in kind) to RU. What he has every Fight to be looking for, however, is the use of my name; and at this Point I would have to hold back. Please feel free ta read this back to him.