Inter-Office Correspondence Yale University To: J. Lederberg From: B, Bachmann lL eo I don't have any record of anyone's having worked on the lac. or lace mutations from strains W108 and W145, respectively. But my records are largely devoted to (1) mapping data and (2) information on strain derivations. There were no lyophils of W108 or W145 in the collection which you sent to the Stock Center; there were two lyophils of W2243, according to my records. Of the other strains which you mention in your notes, the only ones for which we received one or more lyophils from you are: W253, W285, W297, W301, W308, W382, and W383. We have never opened any of these because no one has ever asked for them and they are not ancestors of other strains that I have described in pedigree charts or distributed from the Stock Center.