EDUCATIONAL TESTING SERVICE PRINCETON, N. J. 08540 Area Code 609 921 - 9000 CABLE-EDUCTESTSVC Division of Psychological Shudics May 14, 1974 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 Dear Josh: It was quite an experience to be told by Luca when I called him last week, that a baby was born to the Lederbergs the day before. You must already have the letter Evy wrote expressing our great pleasure at the news. Congratulations and all best x wishes! 4 / In your new condition are you able to look at a draft of a paper reporting the first findings of our study of XYY and XXY men? The paper covers the results of the case-finding work to this point and the data thus far available from the social records. If you can spare the time, and find yourself able to think about such mundane matters, I would be most grateful for your critical reactions to the paper. In any case, I think you will find these first results quite interesting. If you do read the paper, think back as you do so, to the night in your house six years ago when we first discussed the XYY phenomenon. Our love to all four Lederbergs. Cordially, Herman A. Witkin nan EE: HAW: gn Enclosure