Val thin, 88 Balcort Drive Princeton, N. J, 08540 February 1, 1974 Dear Marguerite and Josh, We just returned from Robinson Crusoe's island (Tobago -- terrific) to find your note, with its beautiful news! I just had to tell you how delighted we are for you, and actually more than a little jealous. Grown children are a source of much joy -- we feel very fortunate in the kind of friends ours have become--- but we miss the nonsense and freshness that can only come from having somebody little and new about the house! And with such genes being tossed into the hopper from both sides it can only turn out to be somebody very special. We'll have to come see at the earliest possible moment, but in the meantime we send love, congratulations and all good wishes, To David, our very best regards too -- he must find the prospect fascinating! Love, By