EDUCATIONAL TESTING SERVICE PRINCETON, N.J. 08540 Area Code 609 921 - 9000 CABLE-EDUCTESTSVCG es Division of Psychological Studies July 25, 1972 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Palo Alto, California 94,305 Dear Josh: Sorry about your non-visit. That makes it all the more imperative that some other way may be found for us all to get together. Any prospect of you--with Marguerite and David if possible--coming east, and visiting us in our new Princeton establishment? Evy and I may be one elifornfa in late fall and if we are we will check with you about 7 the possibility of getting together. Do you know where I can reach Cavalli-Sforza (about some pygmy Lise studies we once considered doing, to be exact)? I heard he is in Europe . for the summer and then I heard through several grapevines that he may be coming to Rockefeller University in the fall. Our very best to Marguerite, you and David from both of us. Cordially, \AA Herman A.-Witkin HAW: ss ty b's pads Wot ee