be Hor ® VWrSootdh2P so 6 san (clu - te ) STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK DOWNSTATE MEDICAL CENTER ¢ DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHIATRY Psychology Laboratory Box 32 July 22, 1971 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Palo Alto, California Dear Marguerite and Josh: This will be a very brief note, intended mainly to say hello, though the past year has been quite an eventful one, so that there is really much to tell. As you may know, Evy was laid up - and in and out of hospitals - from September to mid-March, when she finally had surgery for removal of a disc and a fusion, Recovery from such surgery is slow but Evy has been doing well. On top of that we are leaving Downstate, after many, many good years, and Brooklyn too. Evy will be teaching at Rutgers and we are moving our whole lab to the Division of Psychological Studies of the Educational Testing Service at Princeton, where we are really going to have an excep- tionally fine research setup. Equally exciting, we have bought a house on the outskirts of Princeton, toward New Brunswick. [It is a beautiful house, on a wooded acre and a half, and ridiculously large, so we can put up all three of you for a visit, which we hope will take place real soon. (Our Princeton home address is 88 Balcort Drive, Princeton, New Jersey 08540. ) Our boys are also set up in new independent quarters. Joe as you know was married last fall and lives near Albert Einstein. Andy, who is at Columbia, just got an apartment of his own. As a final bit of reporting, | should mention that we have succeeded in setting up a really fine study of noninstitutionalized XYYs in Denmark, The social records there make it a far better place than the United States to do the study. I will tell you more on a later occasion about the set up we have created for the study in Denmark. | am sure you will find it most interesting. So, anyway, the Witkins are alive and well, but in Princeton instead of Brooklyn. We are eager to hear how things go with all of you. Tell David that | am taking his captain hat with me into our new life and in fact | am taking it with me to wear on the ship on our trip to Europe in August. Love from house to house. Cordially, HAW /hw Herman'A, Witkin MAILING ADDRESS: 450 CLARKSON AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NEW YORK 11203 TPHONE: (212) 270-1000 “4 -o HW lary il