STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER 300 PASTEUR DRIVE, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS Professor Joshua Lederberg June 15, 1969 Dear Ev: Iam gled to hear that you are looking into chlorine mutagenesis, and are as syrprised as Iam thet this has been totally overlooked. We: have been (thet is to say, Howard Eisenstark, one of my graduate students has been) looking into this also, in B. subtilis, with capricious, but probably positive results so far. Even straight bactericide is surprisingly variable from run to run, end we have’clean that up before we can be quite sure. It is clear thst radiation-resistance among verious: strains is correlated with chlorine- resistance. From a policy standpoint, the important question is residual biological actiivity of the chloramines that ere produced by the interaction of hypochlorite with most nitrogenous compounds. These are very variablein stability, and not much is known about them; so Bert Halpern is doing a fairly thorough groundwork study on their chemistry. DNA probably forms: N-chloro as well as 5-C-chloro derivatives | quite readily with hypochlorite, andtheoretically should do the same at lower rates with: chloramine; but this still has to: be estailished. Marguerite is sorry that our change of plans will keep her from seeing you this trip; but I will enjoy seeing Hi myself, in Washington on Thursday+Friday. We will. have to postpone a night out together; which was much fun the last time. All. the best Lr. Josepn P. KENNepy, Jr. Lazonatories FoRAMOLECULAR MEDICINE dedicated to the study of menta! retardation Molecular Biology Heredity Neurobiology Developmental Medicine