OFFICE MEMORANDUM e STANFORD UNIVERSITY e OFFICE MEMORANDUM e STANFORD UNIVERSITY © OFFICE MEMORANDUM To From SusJect: Date: March 27, 1969 Dr, J. Lederberg Executive Head and Professor of Genetics Professor of Biology Herant Katchadourfan, M.D. Jake Gimbel Sex Psychology Lecture Dr. Witkin could not come this academic year so we had to search some more and finally have settled on Dr. Sherwood Washburn, who will talk on "Evolution of Sexual Behavior,'! | have written to Dean Royden and suggested that my successor consider Dr. Witkin for 1971. Incidentally, | knew Dr. Witkin in connection with his field) dependence-independence work. It was good to talk to him on the telephone. Many thanks for your help. ALISMZAINN QGQYOAINVLIS © WNONVYOWIW FDdddO ee ALISUZAINN GAYOANVIS © WNGNVYOWIW JDiddO © ALISUZAINN GYOINVLIS «© WNAGNVIOW3IW