OFFICE MEMORANDUM e@ STANFORD UNIVERSITY @ OFFICE MEMORANDUM e© STANFORD UNIVERSITY FER Tem HAE To —*? FROM SuBJECT: a cat eae CL pe eo aa he se Me ros MO 1359 Date: February 18, 1969 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Herant Katchadourian, M.D, Jake Gimbel Lecturer Eric Erickson is out with pneumonia; our next possibility (or shall we say, victim?) is then Dr. Witken (spelling?). I will be much obliged if you could sound him out for this. I tried to get Mr, Glover to clarify the specifications of this lectureship: they are as follows: 1. There need not be more than one public lecture. The guest must, however, participate in at least two or more scheduled exercises (such as a departmental conference, etc,) to enable the University to claim that the lecturer has, in fact, given the stipulated ''three lectures.!! 2. The $1,000 remains the limit, but we may get living costs and advertising cost somehow extracted out of elsewhere, HK: sam cc: Dr. David Hamburg rie Dy W tee, 219, Rts Aa yl ay AA Xe Ne. Les dennre hop, be td! ell “Gok Sony a ts J arom cts RARDUTA WNONVAOWSW. JD1ddO. © ALISYZAINA GHOANVIS _— TAM. ° n“ QYOANVIS © WNANVYOWSW 3D1IdO © ALISHTAINN GYUOANVIS ©