October 16, 1968 Dr. Herman Witkin Department of Psychiatry STate University of New York College of Medicine 450 Clarkson Avenue Brooklyn, New York Dear Hy: I just came back from the meetings of the American Society of Human Genetics where the two questions of XYY and of prenatal diagnosis were very much in the forefront of corridor discussion. The main think I wanted to pass on to you was that at least two XYYs have been found of moderate stature, one 5'6", the other 5'9". Each of them, however, was the tallest member of his family. I was not yet able to track down the quantdtdétéve measurements. I am sure you also noticed newspaper articles from France and Australia, respectively, on some legal implications of XYY. I would be very much in- terested to read the full transcripts of the trials, but the news accounts suggest that XYY was, as it should be, only contributory evidence with respect to the defendent's capacity for a responsible judgment. Sincerely yours, a Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics NIALL