OFFICE MEMORANDUM e STANFORD UNIVERSITY © OFFICE MEMORANDUM e STANFORD UNIVERSITY © OFFICE MEMORANDUM To From SUBJECT: Date: October 14, 1975 File Joshua Lederberg Goluecke on composting I called him on October 13th (Richmond Office 235-6000, Ext. 227 - UC Berkeley 642-4011). His main interests appear to be in composting for dealing with municipal wastes, He referred several times to the Beltsville Maryland project as its relates to sewage sludge. He did suggest that I write him a note requesting the reports since 1970 and this should be addressed to him at University of California, Richmond Field Station, 1301 South 46th Street, Richmond, Ca. 94804, He also gave me the name of a Sim van der Ryn, P.O. Box 700, Point Reyes Station, Ca. 94956, in connection with the Farallongs Institute, I gather this is in a rural commune context and they are interested in developing waterless composting toilets. However, they were relying on him for scientific judgment rather than the converse, Goluecke is consulting in Mexico with Toluca in Guadalajara but this is primarily in a municipal context not a rural one, He advises people there not to use the products of municipal composting on root crops and is therefore obviously quite skeptical about the reliability of the sanitation. He gave me a reference by Knoll, K.H., 1961, Compost Science 2:35, on the question of non-thermal disinfection, He did not know of anyone else outside of Beltsville who would be able to help on the rural context. He was quite in agreement that things easily could go wrong. WNONVYOWIW 3 WNGNVYOWIW 3diddO © ALISUFAINN GYOINVLS © WNONVAOWAW 3d1ddO © ALISYTAINN GYOANVILS aYyANMOA”PD — 3340 © ALISMSAINN AYOSNVILS © ‘2?